Year: 2020

Quantum cooperation, research into metastases formation and new catalysts The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved three new Collaborative Research Centres/Transregios (CRC/TRR) at FAU. The aim of CRC/TRR 305 is to understand the molecular mechanisms behind how metastases form and to devel...

Funding of new research projects – four EAM Starting Grants awarded A successful EAM tradition has been revived in 2020: With the award of the EAM Starting Grant, young FAU researchers were given the chance to pursue their own research projects and thus gaining a boost for a successful academic car...

Bundestagsabgeordneter Stefan Müller zu Besuch an der FAU Wie lassen sich ultradünne Beschichtungen von einigen Nanometern gezielt herstellen? Darüber hat sich der Erlanger Bundestagsabgeordnete Stefan Müller bei einem Besuch am Interdisziplinären Zentrum für Nanostrukturierte Filme (IZNF) der FAU ...

Verzahnung von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft Mit Stiftungslehrstühlen und -professuren werden Forschung und Lehre an der Universität gefördert und nationale Kompetenzzentren geschaffen, die sich im internationalen Vergleich messen können. Stiftungslehrstühle und -professuren werden von Unternehmen un...

High-profile, cutting-edge research Supporting cutting-edge research, strengthening German universities and research facilities and improving Germany’s international competitive position – these are the goals of the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal and State Governments to Promote Scienc...

New Materials and Processes FAU’s Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Engineering are renowned for their exceptional strength in new materials research and related process technologies. New materials and processes are expected to catalyse scientific breakthroughs and push forward technological bound...

European consortium led by FAU receives funding from the European Union in the “Fast Track to Innovation” programme The prospects of additive manufacturing (3D printing) as a versatile tool for prompt and inexpensive prototyping are extremely promising. This family of methods are set to make fabric...